Business of Esports - 242. Office Hours: New Plans For Philly’s Fusion Arena

William Collis:

Hello, everyone. Welcome to another episode of

William Collis:

office hours with the professor. As always, I'm your host,

William Collis:

William, the professor Collis. And I'm super excited to do

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another deep dive on a news story that caught my eye this

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week. So which news story did I pick? Well, it's a short one.

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But it's interesting. Let's dive right in. It is the fusion

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arena, which is a dedicated esports arena in Philadelphia

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that is currently under construction, going from being a

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pure esports venue to a multipurpose venue. Now, before

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we explain why I wanted to cover the story, I want to give you a

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little bit of background about this venue. It's being

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constructed at the XFINITY live sports complex in Philadelphia.

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And it was essentially supposed to be an esports specific venue

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for the Philadelphia fusion Overwatch League team hosting

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Overwatch League games and other esports events. For about a I

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think it was a 3500 person seating capacity and

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construction did start on this facility. I think in 2019, they

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broke ground, and it had an estimated budget of about $50

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million to do the whole thing. The change what's happening is

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now this facility is going from being an esports only facility

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to a multi purpose facility. It's undergoing some redesign.

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So now it can host things like comedy tours and concerts and

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all sorts of other good stuff. So you might say, Professor, why

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did you want to cover this story? And the answer is because

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I've got a lot of questions actually about this saying, hey,

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does this mean that esports only venues are dead or a thing of

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the past or that esports can't sustain? You know, pure venues

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by themselves? This is a problem for the esports industry. In

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essence, the answer to that is unequivocally No way. This is

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just a good business decision, plain and simple. And so let's

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unpack why. So the reality is that, you know, esports doesn't

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require a whole bunch of purpose built special equipment to host

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events. You know, I am vastly simplifying here, guys. I mean,

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obviously, there are unique things you can do for an esports

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only venue to make it a better esports experience. But

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fundamentally, if you have a fast internet connection

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computers on a stage, you can host an esports event, right?

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Certainly it doesn't require the same amount of standardized

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purpose, purpose driven infrastructure as say, football,

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where you have to have so many yards and, you know, goalposts

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that are so high and you know, all of those other things are

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filled goalposts, I should say, if esports doesn't require that

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much specialized infrastructure, why would you not want to make

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your retail asset or your stadium asset more flexible?

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It's just good logical business sense. And not only that, this

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happens with traditional sports venues all the time. So I'm from

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Massachusetts, I've been to see both the LCS finals and the

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Celtics game at the TD Garden in Boston, you know, it's not

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surprising. So my review of this or my grade for this is an A

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plus. And the reason I give this story an A plus is this is not

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about esports venues being a bad idea. This is simply about

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venues that are flexible, and being able to host different

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types of content just simply being a better and more

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diversifiable asset, particularly in today's climate.

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So as I said, I love this story, I give it an A plus because now

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all this means is you can go see an Overwatch League game at the

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fusion arena and say a comedy show and that's great. That's

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exactly what we want a more sustainable business model

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underlying the esports industry. So again, a plus. I hope you

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enjoyed the story and I look forward to doing another deep

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