Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Where To Find Mandragora

Chadley will have a series of challenges for Cloud known as Biological Intel, which will require Cloud to access every enemy in a region in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Biological Intel: Blinded By Light will require players to access every enemy within the grasslands, one of which is the Mandragora.



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Despite being a weaker enemy, the Mandragora is easily missed early into the game as players escape Kalm and are met with the first massive region in the game. While the Mandragora won't pose too much of a threat in battle, finding them can also be quick once you know where to go.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

February 29, 2024

Square Enix

Where To Find Mandragora

The Mandragora's Location On The Map

Mandragora are small plant-like creatures that can blend into the environment of the Grasslands and be walked past by many players. To easily find a Mandragora, head to the fast-travel point right outside of Kalm, Kalm - Air-Raid Shelter. From here, turn and head along the main path away from the city and look for the Orc standing in the road. While a Mandragora may not be noticeable and may hide in the grass alongside the road, engaging the Orc will let players target the Mandragora. As these creatures are a bit weaker, charge up your ATB by attacking the Orc first before accessing the Mandragora.

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How To Defeat Mandragora

Cloud Accessing A Mandragora

Mandragora has two weaknesses: Ice and Fire.Exploiting their weakness will pressure them, making them ideal early enemies in the game to introduce players to pressuring and staggering enemies to maximize damage. After Mandragora takes enough damage, they will Rest, which will soon restore a large amount of HP. Dealing a large amount of energy while they rest will cancel out the rest, make them wake up, and not restore any HP.

Despite their lower level, Mandragora offers decent crafting materials when defeated, along with Sage, which can be stolen from them in combat. Sage, along with the other potential dropped items, Marjoram and Pearl Ginger Root, are all excellent crafting materials to stock up on early into the game as they will be a base ingredient for healing potions throughout the game.

The Grasslands has a lot to find and complete in all of it's World Intel. One of the more important World Intel to complete are the Divine Intel, to get the Summon Titan.

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