As it is for most online multiplayer games, you might have encountered a few errors while trying to play Helldivers 2. One of the worst issues to encounter is the Quickplay Matchmaking. While players can still set up parties and join the game, they cannot quickplay with randoms. The Helldivers 2 “failed to join game lobby” error is one of the common ones that many players have faced and there is a workaround.
While there is no permanent fix for this issue yet, the developers, Arrowhead Game Studios are aware of the problems and are working on a solution. In the meantime, there are a few things that players can do as a workaround. Although it is likely that the error is from the developer’s end, checking a few things on your side is worth a shot.
Helldivers 2 Failed to Join Game Lobby Error

As mentioned, there is currently no fix but this tweet from Game Director Mikael Eriksson indicates that the troubles will end soon. In the meantime, here are a few troubleshooting tips that will help you work around the Helldivers 2 failed to join game lobby error.
Join with Other Players
Although Quickplay is not working, players can form their parties and play the game. If you don’t have any friends who play Helldivers 2, you can look for other players via Reddit, Discord, or other social media platforms. Players can add them as friends and invite them or join their squad to play the game. This is one of the best ways to work around the failed to join game lobby error that players are currently facing.
Disable Crossplay
Many players have found that if they disable crossplay from game settings, they can use the Quickplay matchmaking option more often than not. Although there is no guarantee that this will work, players have found this workaround to be a useful one. Since you are trying everything to avoid the Helldivers 2 failed to join game lobby error, might as well try this one too.
Do note – If you plan to form a party with other players via Reddit, Discord, or others, it is vital to keep the crossplay enabled. Disabling the crossplay is a workaround to the Quickplay matchmaking and it will again stop you from joining the game if you have already formed a party.
Check Helldivers 2 Server Status
Since the game is new, the servers might be facing an outage due to the load of new players joining in. The game has had a popular response so the servers might be down. Players can check the Helldivers 2 Server Status by following the link. If the servers are down, you will have to patiently wait for them to come back online. Many players are failing to connect to the server as well and are looking for a workaround to that issue as well.
While you are at it, it won’t hurt to see if your internet connection is working properly. Since this is a network-related issue, it could be due to a faulty internet connection as well. Run a speed test to check the results and if there are any ongoing downloads, pause them before you try to play the game. Also, restart your modem and routers to avoid any unnecessary cache files and overheating issues.
If the error is persistent, you can try contacting Helldivers 2 Support. However, they are actively working on fixes so you might as well wait patiently.
That’s everything that can be done to potentially fix the Helldivers 2 failed to join game lobby error. If you are playing Helldivers 2, you can check out how to redeem Twitch Drops and get some useful items.
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