10 Saddest Anime Deaths, Ranked


  • Tragic anime deaths invoke empathy from viewers and leave a lasting impact, especially when they happen to well-developed characters, such as L from Death Note .
  • Anime doesn't hesitate to build emotional connections with viewers, even if it means killing off beloved characters, like Oscar from T he Rose of Versailles .
  • The deaths of beloved anime characters can be shocking, tear-jerking, or a combination of both, remaining etched in viewers' minds.

The saddest anime deaths stick with viewers long after the final credits roll. An immersive story with well-written characters allows audiences to build empathy, from cheering those characters on or feeling devastated when something bad happens to them. When characters die in tragic or unexpected ways, that empathy response is triggered tenfold, even when the death makes sense in a character's narrative arc.

Anime doesn't shy away from building emotional connections with viewers. For better or worse, these connections can come in the form of killing off a beloved character. The deaths of well-loved anime characters remain etched in viewers' minds, whether they are shocking, tear-jerking, or a combination of both.

10 Jonathan Endured Dio's Cruelty Until the Very End

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)

jonathan joestar

From their first encounter as boys, Jonathan Joestar and Dio Brando were indisputable rivals. Dio's cruelty knew no bounds: he killed Jonathan's beloved dog, attempted to steal the Joestar fortune, and generally made Jonathan's life a living nightmare. Soon after Jonathan married his childhood sweetheart, Erina, and seemed on the verge of real happiness, Dio appeared on the ship en route to their honeymoon. Jonathan was lethally wounded by Dio's severed head and the ship was set ablaze. Though he died only nine episodes into the series, and a long line of Joestars would battle Dio in the future, Jonathan's death was still a tragic one.


9 L Was Close to Stopping Kira Once and For All

Death Note (2006)

l death note

L and Light were so evenly matched in their game of cat-and-mouse that, for many viewers, L's defeat was an almost jarring experience. Light coerced the shinigami, Rem, to write L's name in the Death Note just before L could write Light's name. L's moment of hesitation before putting pen to paper was what ultimately did him in. Though L's successors at Wammy's House, Near and Mello, were able to pick up where L left off and eventually bring Light to justice, they could never replace the L-shaped hole in viewers' hearts post-Episode #25.


8 Lady Oscar's Courage and Chivalry Inspired All of France

The Rose of Versailles (1979)

lady oscar death

Raised as a boy to succeed her father in the military, Oscar François de Jarjayes' loyalty and stoicism inspired both her loved ones and viewers alike. When her lover, Andre, is killed during the French Revolution, Oscar maintains a stiff upper lip through her grief. Still, she is shot down during the battle of the Bastille, dying a noble but tragic death. It's a heartbreaking but not totally unexpected end to the 40-episode series, which follows Lady Oscar from birth through all her highs and lows. Though the ending is painful, Versailles' purposeful narrative arc and the immensely likable Oscar are great reasons to check out this shoujo classic.


7 Asuka Was Killed Soon After Regaining Hope

The End of Evangelion (1997)


In some of the best works of fiction, tragedy befalls a character as soon as they know what they have to lose. This is certainly the case in Neon Genesis Evangelion with Asuka Langley Soryu, who had finally realized how much her mother loved her. The energy this realization gave her made her decide to take on multiple Evas by herself, putting up a good fight even as her unit's power slowly depleted. In an outrageously gruesome scene, her unit is destroyed and the opposing Evas tear her apart. True to her nature, Asuka does not go out with a whimper, but a bang - she's headstrong until the very end, swearing that she will kill those who oppose her, even as she dies. Even though Asuka reappears in the enigmatic finale of End of Evangelion, her "death" remains one of the most tragic moments in the series.


6 Jiraiya Sacrificed Himself For The Future Of The Shinobi World

Naruto: Shippuden (2007)


The first of Naruto's mentors to help him hone his Nine-Tails power, the eccentric and gregarious Jiraiya was both a fan favorite and a hugely influential sage. In episode #133 of the anime, Jiraiya battles his former student, Nagato, who impales him with black chakra rods. Jiraiya ends up sacrificing himself so he can leave behind knowledge for Naruto to defeat Nagato. As one of the few Naruto characters to die without being fully resurrected, Jiraiya's death is more tragic than viewers can typically expect from this series. Jiraiya does appear in an episode of Boruto where Boruto and Sasuke go back in time, but many fans agree that it's just not the same as having the Toad Sage alive and well again.


5 Askeladd Impacted Thorfinn More Than He Ever Knew

Vinland Saga (2019)

Askeladd and Thorfinn's relationship in Vinland Saga is decidedly complex. Askeladd murdered Thorfinn's father, to which Thorfinn declared he alone would bring about Askeladd's death. The two spent the next decade traveling together, with Thorfinn ostensibly as a prisoner. Oddly enough, Askeladd became a sort of mentor to Thorfinn during this time, pairing up to rescue Prince Canute and imparting to him some wisdom. When Canute is the one to kill Askeladd, Thorfinn has a visceral reaction, and not only because he was robbed of his chance for vengeance. Nemesis, mentor, or even father figure - many viewers suspect Askeladd was all of these things to Thorfinn, or perhaps not quite any of them.


4 Setsuko Was a Child Caught in the Brutality of War

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)


In its unflinching depiction of World War II's brutality, Grave of the Fireflies is one of the saddest films ever made, animated or otherwise. One of the most deeply disturbing scenes is the death of two-year-old deuteragonist, Setsuko. When her health slowly starts to decline because of malnutrition, her older brother, Seita, begins a desperate search for food. He does find food eventually, but Setsuko dies during its preparation. There's no denying that watching a child die onscreen is awful, especially in the way that Setsuko does. However, many consider Grave of the Fireflies a necessary viewing experience, in which audiences must take an honest and critical look at this horrible period in history.


3 The Band of the Hawk Was One of Anime's Best Found Families

Berserk (1997, 2012)

Not only are the Band of the Hawk legendary on the battlefield, they are also one of the most endearing found families anime has to offer. Berserk spends a substantial portion of time with this mercenary band, so that audiences can't help but love them. When their leader, Griffith, decides to sacrifice the band to achieve godhood, it is equal parts gruesome and tear-jerking. As his morally gray anime villain status would suggest, Griffith's reasons for the sacrifice are more complex than they initially sound. However, that does not make the deaths of Corkus, Judeau, Pippin, and the other Hawks any less painful to watch.


2 Maes Was Impossible Not to Love

Fullmetal Alchemist (2003, 2009)

maes hughes

Utterly adoring his wife and daughter, Maes Hughes consistently ranks as one of the best dads in anime. In addition to his kind heart, he was able to quickly break ground in the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone and the genocide of the Ishvalan people. Unfortunately, being so close to unraveling a conspiracy is what got him killed in a phone booth by the Homunculi, Envy. Though his friend, Roy Mustang, spirals emotionally when he has the chance to get revenge, it's easy to sympathize because Maes is so lovable.


1 Ash Survived Incredible Trauma Only to Die Senselessly

Banana Fish (2018)

To say Ash Lynx experienced egregious abuse at the hands of the mafia boss, Dino Golzine, would be the understatement of the year. Ash's intelligence and skill in combat often got him out of horrific situations, and yet, each day was spent in survival mode. It was not until he met Eiji Okumura that he began to experience kindness that had eluded him his whole life. In Banana Fish's final scene, Ash is ready to fly to Japan with Eiji and begin life anew when he is stabbed by a rival gang member over a petty slight. To see Ash die so senselessly when happiness was within his reach is the most devastating part of an anime series guaranteed to make you cry.


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