10 Best Anime Utopias

The concept of utopia is subjective. After all, one person's utopia might be another person's dystopia. In fact, many supposed paradises turn out to be the very opposite. But there are certain settings in anime that are beautifully rendered and look like idyllic places to live.


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Perhaps the perfect utopia doesn't exist in anime, because a show where everything is fine and there is no conflict probably wouldn't be that interesting to a lot of people. So while some anime utopias may seem like lands of milk and honey, they are not necessarily so, and their existence almost always comes at a price.

10 No Game No Life Takes Place In A Dimension Of Fun

No Game, No Life Sora and Shiro with chessboards and pieces

No Game No Life takes place in what is essentially an isekai utopia for gamers — at least for the step-sibling protagonists Sora and Shiro, who simply don't lose games unless it's to each other. They're so good, in fact, that a god from another reality named Tet invites them to a world centered around games.

Since they do nothing but game, Sora and Shiro accept the invitation and are transported to Disboard. In this colorful, fun realm, they face off against different competitors with the aim of challenging the One True God, Tet, to a game.

9 Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! Turns School Into A Paradise

Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! main cast enjoying picnic

Even though the word utopia is right in the title, Manabi Straight! is set in 2035 when Japan's birth rate has fallen dramatically. On the other hand, technology has advanced to the point where people ride hover scooters and use holographic laptops.

While morale in Seian high school for girls is low among the teachers, for five students, this is nothing short of a utopia. The five students and main characters join the student council and decide to put on a school fair the likes of which have never been seen before.

8 Harmony Is A Utopia That's Too Perfect For Some

Harmony anime tuan kirie touching hair

Harmony is a 2015 film set in the future in the aftermath of a nuclear cataclysm. While that may not sound very utopian, civilization has finally found peace after decades of civil war. Measures taken by the World Health Organization, including the utilization of nanomachine technology, have effectively guaranteed people longer, happier lives.

This may seem like a utopia for some, but for high school students Cian, Miakh, and Tuan, it's anything but. They abhor the lack of personal autonomy and take drastic measures to escape this supposed paradise.

7 Gargantia On The Verdurous Planet Makes A Haven Of Earth

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet Ledo and rest of cast against blue sky

In this 2013 sci-fi anime, humans left Earth to create a utopia in space called Avalon. This paradise comes under threat in the form of strange creatures called Hideauze. Protagonist Ledo gets knocked into a wormhole during a battle with the mollusk-like creatures and ends up getting stranded on a planet covered with water: Earth.

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Compared to the cold, empty expanse of space, Earth is teeming with life. Its blue oceans and even bluer sky look stunning. Even in its dilapidated state, this is far more of a utopia than a man-made attempt at one in space.

6 Real Drive Is Set On An Island At The Pinnacle Of Technology

Real Drive anime characters high five on a pontoon while someone fishes

Real Drive is set on an artificial island that was built as the pinnacle of technology. In 2061, people are able to connect with each other at a conscious level in what's known as the Network society. While this method of communication has its advantages, it doesn't come without problems.

A new network with more robust security was developed to prevent data leaks and the manipulation of information called the Meta Real Network. Brightly colored and surrounded by water, the island seems like an idyllic place, but perhaps only from a distance.

5 Expelled From Paradise Imagines A Future Without Pain Or Death

Expelled From Paradise anime Angela Balzac in front of Earth

The "paradise" referred to in the title of this sci-fi film is DEVA, a space station on which most of humanity resides in digital form. People are free from pain and everything else that comes with having a physical form while retaining consciousness. While this may not be everyone's idea of a utopia, it's better than the alternative of a devastated Earth.

It's not all rosy, however, as a hacker called Frontier Setter starts infiltrating DEVA with subversive messages. This prompts a member of DEVA's law enforcement, Angela Balzac, to take on a physical form and go after them.

4 The Cat Returns' Cat Kingdom Is A Cat Lover's Dream

Haru in the Cat Kingdom in The Cat Returns.

A spin-off of the movie Whisper of the Heart, The Cat Returns sees protagonist Haru Yoshioka being transported to the Cat Kingdom. Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, a cat figurine given life by its creator, informs Haru of an important fact.

Baron Humbert tells Haru that the longer she remains in the strange yet beautiful Cat Kingdom, the more she will turn into a cat. While even the most ardent cat lover may draw the line at losing their humanity, the Cat Kingdom with its bizarre architecture and abundance of cats is nevertheless a cat lover's dream.

3 Kamigami No Asobi Transports Us To A Perfect World

Kamigami No Asobi anime yui and the eight gods at the beach

Yui Kusanagi, a normal high school girl, is transported to a different world when she touches a mysterious sword. She finds herself in a school created by Zeus, king of the gods. The school and its surroundings are beautiful, with lush green fields and islands in the sky.

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While this world is perfect in every conceivable way, the bond between humans and gods is diminishing, which will bring disaster in the future. Yui is tasked with teaching eight gods about the human heart to prevent them from being trapped in Zeus' realm for all eternity.

2 Kyousougiga Is Set In A World Of Pure Imagination

Kyousougiga anime Myoe posing with family

A Buddhist monk by the name of Myōe has the ability to make what he draws come to life. He draws a town that he names Kyoto, in which everything is always perfect. After striking a deal with the Bodhisatva, Myōe is able to interact with a rabbit he drew in human form called Koto.

After falling in love with the rabbit-become-human, he draws siblings for his and Koto's adopted child. For a time, the family lives happily in Kyoto, where broken things get repaired instantly and people cannot die.

1 Aria The Animation Takes Place In A Watery Paradise

The sailing crew by the water in Aria The Animation.

The setting of Aria the Animation is based on Venice, Italy. The serene water, deep blue skies, and dreamlike atmosphere of Neo Venezia provide a peaceful backdrop to the goings-on of the protagonist, Akari Mizunashi.

The series is set in the 24th century on planet Aqua and follows Akari's journey to become a tour guide. Being a planet covered in water, gondolas are the main mode of transportation. There are no criminals or evildoers, but that doesn't mean to say things don't occasionally go wrong. Still, there can't be many more idyllic and beautiful places to learn a trade.

NEXT: 10 Cutest Chibi Anime Characters

Source link https://returndays.com/index.php/2024/01/11/10-best-anime-utopias/?feed_id=32656&_unique_id=659f5c8f89640

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