- The best anime dogs are fiercely loyal companions that are cute without being annoying.
- Anime dogs can come in various forms, from wolf-like Ayakashi to genetically engineered Corgis, but they still embody the characteristics of loyalty and bravery.
- These anime dogs prove themselves to be capable and devoted partners to their owners, making them ideal adventure companions.
Everyone loves a good dog, and that's just as true when it comes to anime dogs as it is in real life. Like a real dog, the best anime dogs are those that are loyal to their masters, eager for a pet or two, and willing to leap to the defense of the weak.
When it comes to anime dogs, though, the looks can vary a lot more than with real dogs. They might be part devil, or yokai, or some other higher order of spiritual creature, but in the end, a dog is still a dog. The best anime dogs are fiercely loyal companions that can act as cute mascots without getting too annoying or hogging the spotlight from the real story. These anime dogs have proven they're highly capable both as dogs and as adventuring companions, making them the ideal partners.
10 Madarao - The Powerful Wolf Demon
Kekkaishi, produced by Sunrise, based on the manga by Yellow Tanabe
Madarao is a wolf-like Ayakashi, a type of Japanese demon that can be difficult to control, and typically takes the form of a floating creature. Madarao, however, is equipped with a collar that helps to keep its power in check. Madarao is capable of speech as a result of being an Ayakashi, and has a surprisingly sensitive personality. He's fantastically powerful, and should that collar come off, is capable of growing to an absolutely immense size. Madarao works with Yoshimori and Tokine, the eponymous Kekkaishi, to battle against other dangerous Ayakashi.
9 Bee - An Ordinary Dog Who Turned A Villain Into A Hero
Dragon Ball Z, produced by Toei Animation, based on the manga by Akira Toriyama
Bee is just an ordinary, injured dog that Buu and Mr. Satan happened to find. Buu healed it, and instantly developed a bond, as Bee's presence helped to keep Buu from being destructive. Of course, that's when a rather cruel mercenary, Van Zant, took a shot at Bee, seemingly killing the dog and enraging Buu. Buu was able to bring Bee back to life, but ultimately lost control altogether when Mr. Satan was shot. After the Buu saga, Good Buu keeps Bee for many years to come, with the happy dog making occasional appearances in Dragon Ball Super.
8 Tadakichi-san - The Fuzzy Best Friend Of A Child Prodigy
Azumanga Daioh, produced by J.C. Staff, based on the manga by Kiyohiko Azuma
Tadakichi-san, or "Mr. Tadakichi," is a Great Pyrenees dog belonging to Chiyo. He's a big enough dog that Chiyo can sometimes ride on his back, and his friendly disposition means he'll even let her do it. Tadakichi-san is so easygoing as a dog that he even gets along with Sakaki's cat, Maya. Chiyo has had Tadakichi-san for five years at the beginning of the story, and he's still going strong by the time Azumanga Daioh wraps up, shown to be with Chiyo even in America. Ultimately, he's a big, soft, fuzzy ball of love, and who can really ask for more than that out of a dog?
7 Akamaru - The Fierce Ninja Dog
Naruto, produced by Studio Pierrot, based on the manga by Masashi Kishimoto
Akamaru is the partner of Kiba Inuzuka, and in the beginning of Naruto, barely more than a puppy. Akamaru is a phenomenally devoted partner, working with Kiba in his shinobi training and caring for him in battle. Kiba is able to communicate with Akamaru, which helps to facilitate their close relationship. By the time of Shippuden, Akamaru has grown into a full-sized dog, big enough for Kiba to ride, and is capable of transforming into a more feral red state when he consumes special Chakra-restoring pills. Akamaru and Kiba's ultimate attack involves the pair fusing together into a two-headed wolf, showcasing the true depths of their connection.
6 Pochita - The Chainsaw Dog That Gave His Life For His Best Friend
Chainsaw Man, produced by MAPPA, based on the manga by Tatsuki Fujimoto
Pochita is the Chainsaw Devil, but he's also just a little guy who really loves his master, Denji. So much so, in fact, that when Denji dies, Pochita fuses with him, saving his life at the expense of Pochita's existence as a separate entity. As a result, Pochita plays a relatively small role in Chainsaw Man, but he quickly became a beloved character, and can be seen celebrated by fans on all manner of merchandise. Pochita is easily the cutest creature to ever have a chainsaw coming out of its head, and its dog-like mannerisms were key to endearing fans.
5 Bond - The Dog That Can Predict The Future
Spy X Family, produced by Wit Studio and CloverWorks, based on the manga by Tatsuya Endo
Bond is a Pyrenean Mountain Dog who was experimented upon before coming to live with the Forgers. Bond has the ability to see into the future, something that only young Anya is aware of due to her own telepathic powers. Bond is an incredibly loyal dog, particularly to Anya, and the two are often seen together once Bond joins the cast. Bond is a surprisingly intelligent dog, capable of making strategic decisions in addition to using his large size to overpower even adult human adversaries. While Bond can be difficult to train due to the experiences he had while being experimented on, he's overall a very good dog who's appropriately protective of Anya.
4 Stoutland - The Old Dog Who Cares About His Cat Friend
Pokémon, produced by OLM, based on the game created by Game Freak
There are a great many Pokémon that are dog-like, but when it comes to the anime, there's one good boy who stands out among all others. In Pokémon Sun & Moon, an elderly Stoutland appears who cares for a wild Litten, a cat-like Pokémon. Litten and Stoutland care for each other very much, and Stoutland wants to make sure that Litten will be okay when he's not around anymore. Unfortunately, that day comes too soon, and Stoutland dies in one of the Pokémon anime's saddest episodes ever. Ash decides he will take care of Litten now, and Litten allows itself to be caught. While Litten thrived under Ash, evolving all the way to Incineroar, it never forgot the sweet old Stoutland who cared for it.
3 Black Hayate - The Fearless Shiba Inu
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, produced by Bones, based on the manga by Hiromu Arakawa
Black Hayate shows up as a stray Shiba Inu at the State Alchemist's headquarters in central, and soon comes under the ownership of Riza Hawkeye, who is incredibly strict when it comes to training the dog. Black Hayate is an ordinary dog, but he becomes very well-trained under Hawkeye's guidance, to the point where it fearlessly attacks the homunculus Gluttony. The homunculus's presence is terrifying to other dogs, so Black Hayate demonstrated amazing skill and loyalty when it attacked. At the end of the series, Black Hayate is shown to be a proud papa to three little pups.
2 Iggy - The Stand-Wielding Dog
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, produced by David Production, based on the manga by Hirohiko Araki
Iggy is a Stand-wielding Boston Terrier who appears in Stardust Crusaders. While Iggy can't speak, he is exceptionally intelligent, and the story occasionally reveals Iggy's inner thoughts, showing him to be as dedicated as any other member of the team. Iggy is a bit rude, farting directly in Polnareff's face and laughing about it, but when the chips are down, he's a reliable partner. Iggy famously battled hard against Dio's pet bird Pet Shop, which had a fearsome stand of its own, in one of the few fights between two animals with Stands. Tragically, Iggy doesn't make it to the end of the series, but his courage in battle will never be forgotten by the Joestars.
1 Ein - The Adorable Data Dog
Cowboy Bebop, created by Shinichiro Watanabe, produced by Sunrise
Ein is a Welsh Corgi that was the result of genetic engineering, being what's known as a "Data Dog." Ein is incredibly intelligent, even able to use the computer at times, although his intellect often goes unnoticed by all except for Ed. While Ein's not much for a fight, he was ready to confront the alien creature aboard the ship, only to be bitten first. Ein is definitely closest with Ed, and when Ed finally sets off from the Bebop, Ein goes with her, starting a new life on Earth. Ein's adorable presence even softens someone as hard as Spike, and his part in the show added a unique element that helped to make Cowboy Bebop what it is.
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